Hair Freaks and Color Geeks (2-Day)

Hair Freaks & Color Geeks is the industry’s only universal salon education curriculum for professionals - that means no product bias, only facts about the science of your business, and the chemistry of hair -  purely intended to help you become more successful, no matter how successful you already are. It has been approved for an advanced educational grant and is considered a college level course. Conceived and designed by internationally recognized cosmetic chemists, top salon consultants & master stylists, Hair Freaks & Color Geeks is unlike most professional beauty programs and manufacturer courses, which are designed to sell you products. By the end of this 2-day course, you will understand why we have been preaching to salon owners all over the country for 15+ years to BE TAUGHT, NOT SOLD! You will learn the hard truths about the industry you operate in every day, as well as strategies for taking your power back behind the chair with the 3 pillars of a successful salon: Chemistry, Design, and Business. Please Note: This course is not a part of the video library subscription on No recordings will be made available.

Creative Tools for Creative Haircuts Poster
Calendar Icon Salon Colorist Icon
October 17, 2021
10:00 am
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Shrewsbury, MA
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About this event

Hair Freaks & Color Geeks is the industry’s only universal salon education curriculum for professionals - that means no product bias, only facts about the science of your business, and the chemistry of hair - purely intended to help you become more successful, no matter how successful you already are. It has been approved for an advanced educational grant and is considered a college level course. Conceived and designed by internationally recognized cosmetic chemists, top salon consultants & master stylists, Hair Freaks & Color Geeks is unlike most professional beauty programs and manufacturer courses, which are designed to sell you products. By the end of this 2-day course, you will understand why we have been preaching to salon owners all over the country for 15+ years to BE TAUGHT, NOT SOLD! You will learn the hard truths about the industry you operate in every day, as well as strategies for taking your power back behind the chair with the 3 pillars of a successful salon: Chemistry, Design, and Business. Please Note: This course is not a part of the video library subscription on No recordings will be made available.

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